All Extensions

Displaying extensions 103076 - 103100 of 112015 in total
1 • 
Allows to retrieve your LinkedIn credentials. Zati generates custom LinkedIn messages for users. We retrieve the…
Kurdi Latin to Sorani
1 • 
Convert ASCII to Kurdish Sorani.
1 • 
Detect musical chords in real time
Onboard background
1 • 
Now you can Change the current page color
Make Twitter Great Again
1 • 
Let's bring back old twitter Logo and Favicon :D
Cloud To Butt plus
1 • 
Replaces the text for big bunches of things that I find funny. Inspired by Cloud-to-Butt, but with many more words substituted.
Time Code Jumper for YouTube
1 • 
This extension for YouTube lets you scroll back to a comment which you clicked a time code from
Ani Redirect
1 • 
Adds in links for free ways to watch any show on
  Featured  Inactive
1 • 
In a long ChatGPT conversation list, the area where you asked a question floats for easy access.
APY Calculator
1 • 
Use the APY calculator to work out the total interest and annual compounded interest rate on your investment or savings.
Remove Annoying Orgacalc Timeouts
1 • 
Removes the annoying OrgaCalc timeouts when looking at the project page
Default Search Adjust
1 • 
Search the web using this useful tool from the address bar.
slack with empathy
1 • 
Add some empathy to your slacks with user-specific reminders.
1 • 
a simple research tracking extension
Power Tools Wiki - Blog News Update
1 • 
The extension for Google Chrome lets you know about latest news of Power Tools Wiki before anyone else
1 • 
Hello world Extension
Nein Tabs
1 • 
Say nein to too many tabs.
1 • 
supercharge ticket flies
Critico AI Feedback Extension
1 • 
A tool for providing quick, AI-powered feedback to predefined personas
Speech Outline Generator
1 • 
Generate speech outlines quickly and easily.
Save MSP Info
1 • 
Save report data to an HTML file for further analysis.
1 • 
Enhances online meetings. Offering real-time transcription analysis and keyword suggestion, it supercharges your Google Meet calls.
1 • 
Catalysi extension to connect with LinkedIn
1 • 
Navigate websites with your eyes!
Auto Login for Uppsala University
1 • 
Log in with one click. Save the password and it's zero.