All Extensions

Displaying extensions 96851 - 96875 of 112015 in total
3 • 
Organize your tabs into folders
EMG Online Class 1-N
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A simple extension that allows you to schedule Online Class and stream your desktop into Mercury conferences.
Murano Dev Helper
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Murano Dev Helper is a browser plugin on manifest V3 designed to simplify the development process of Murano's team. It is used to…
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Take Quick and Minimalistic Notes
Total Youtube playlist duration
3 • 
An extension to calculate & display the total duration of a youtube playlist.
3 • 
Easily convert time stamps form epoch to ISO 8601 format. Supports input in seconds, milliseconds and nanoseconds.
Appbar Color Wizard
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Checks for <meta name='theme-color'> and adds it if missing
Fast GCP
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Build an Extension to Easy access GCP serivices!
Rewind & Forward 30 Seconds
3 • 
Adds rewind and forward 30 second buttons to the video player.
ToolinOne: All Tool in One Place
3 • 
Provides a collection of commonly used online tools to improve your work and Internet efficiency.
SFCC Site Preview Copy To Clipboard
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Extension to generate spoof URLS
Quickly Orders - Extension
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Extension for Quickly Orders to perform Amazon automated orders
NCM PS Replay Downloader
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Easily download batches of Pokémon Showdown replays.
Spark Teen Incubator Tracker
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New tab extension for the Spark Teen incubator program
Fas1t Bookmark
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Enables you to save bookmarks super fast.
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This extension let you choose the prices that you intend to pay for products
Better Teams
3 • 
Making web sites work better for us
Simple New Tab
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A minimalist new tab page
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Supplement the discourse of knowledge to virtually any website.
Browse the Ban
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Browse the Ban is an art piece created to protest the Trump administration's recent ban on immigrants from seven…
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Manage your vehicles data and fill in form on website
3 • 
Amazon scouting made simple
3 • 
A thrilling virtual airplane game. Test your flying skills with this game!
Auto Refresh Advanced v2
3 • 
Automatically refresh and monitor web pages with specified time intervals using the Auto Refresh browser extension. This extension…
ThirdFi DeFi Alert
3 • 
Browser extention to track and get alert for different token value for BUY/SELL opportunities.