Top 100 - A Top 100 Chrome Extension Top 1000 - A Top 1000 Chrome Extensions Featured - Featured by Google in the Chrome Web Store Recently Updated - Updated in the last 90 days Inactive - Not updated in over 2 years
Displaying extensions 87301 - 87325 of 112015 in total
Mail Checker 6 •
Mail Checker counts unread emails in your google account, you as a user can choose which labels to count. Inactive
SearchByte 6 •
SearchByte! Search the Web Customize Your Chrome™ Tab,Seamless Integration,Revolutionize Browsing,Say no to standard New Tab Page. Featured
CloneLink 6 •
CloneLink is a simple and easy to use Chrome extension for copying the current link of
your active tab to your clipboard.
Simply… Inactive
Amazon Prime Price Checker 6 •
Google Chrome extension that alerts you if the price for the product you're browsing is different for non-prime users Inactive