Top 100 - A Top 100 Chrome Extension Top 1000 - A Top 1000 Chrome Extensions Featured - Featured by Google in the Chrome Web Store Recently Updated - Updated in the last 90 days Inactive - Not updated in over 2 years
Displaying extensions 84626 - 84650 of 112015 in total
Text Formatter Extension 7 •
Format text with options for rows/columns, commas, quotes, and copy.
Program Organizer 7 •
A google extension that localizes all the common programs needed in schools to help organize student's desktops. Meant to reduce… Inactive
Remove Youtube Swipe Function 7 •
You can remove the swipe feature to show the left context menu, thus solving the annoying issue of mouse not hiding in full screen Inactive
Youtube Filterer 7 •
Allows one to filter the repetitive video recommendations that are constantly flooding the front page of youtube.
Enter a keyword… Inactive
Invoke all of the things 7 •
Invoke all of things is all about taking control of the websites you visit, or it can be a extremely powerful developer tool. Inactive