All Extensions

Displaying extensions 81301 - 81325 of 112015 in total
Adblock Blocker Blocker
9 • 
Block those pesky adblock blockers!
9 • 
Copies the open tabs to clipboard
Aladeen Extension
9 • 
Replaces random words on a webpage with 'Aladeen'. How Aladeen that is!!!
9 • 
A simple and fast way of updating the bookmarks bar
Curse It!
9 • 
Suspicious Cursor remover.
Beta Team Connect controls version 4
9 • 
Beta Team Connect controls version 4
FoveaAI Recruiter
9 • 
Supercharge your current ATS with AI. FoveaAI identifies top candidates faster and with less work for better recruiting and hiring.
9 • 
Blocks unwanted sponsored tweets from verified companies with gold checkmark icons on
9 • 
Translate easy with LinguaReef. LinguaReef is extension with help you find words in web site by your vocabulary
M2 FPC Monitor
9 • 
Identify if a page was served by Magento FPC
9 • 
Мотивирайте своя екип и повишете тяхната лоялност.
Youtube plus (floating player, screenshot, cinema mode)
9 • 
Enhanced Youtube experience! Picture in picture (floating player), screenshots and improved cinema mode! Player red buttons.
Melon's ReactHub
9 • 
A new beginning for reaction content!
9 • 
Parses transcripts on a youtube video and checks it for harmful language.
SweetCarts for NumiKids
9 • 
SweetCarts for NumiKids
Airbnb Reviews Summary - Nomadomia
9 • 
Enhance your Airbnb experience with the Airbnb Reviews Summary - Nomadomia Chrome extension. Whether you're a frequent traveler or…
9 • 
Avoid unnecessary clutter and disorganization in your tabs bar by using this simple, easy-to-use extension which sorts tabs…
9 • 
It's a simple tool for showing diff info between two jsons.
X-Clacks-Overhead Detector
9 • 
Detects X-Clacks-Overhead header and displays its value as a toast notification
Twitter[Theme Engine]
9 • 
Allows you to change original blue theme of twitter to the color your choosing and more.. PolrFlar3
EcoMeter Pro
9 • 
EcoMeter Pro calculates the eco-status of websites, providing estimates of resource size, network usage, and power consumption.
Codeforces participants remover
9 • 
Removes all participants from the Codeforces mashup.
9 • 
Plant a tree with Ecosia on the way to your Google search results.
Are You Stuck?
9 • 
A reminder to get you un-stuck
NorthStar Extension
9 • 
A Chrome extension to help you build your dealflow