Top 100 - A Top 100 Chrome Extension Top 1000 - A Top 1000 Chrome Extensions Featured - Featured by Google in the Chrome Web Store Recently Updated - Updated in the last 90 days Inactive - Not updated in over 2 years
Displaying extensions 80151 - 80175 of 112015 in total
ReadQuest 9 •
(5.0) 2 reviews Transforming online reading into interactive learning by generating multiple-choice questions from any webpage's content.
Unread XKCD 9 •
(5.0) 2 reviews Adds a "Random Unread" button to the xkcd website that allows you to view a random xkcd that you've never seen before. Featured
SearchPulse 9 •
(4.5) 2 reviews SearchPulse saves search terms for later, allowing you to open them in new tabs—helping you stay focused and avoid distractions.
Get Things Done - Macaw 9 •
(4.5) 2 reviews Organize work and life with Macaw for Chrome
Macaw is a new app to help you plan and manage tasks every day
Use Macaw for Chrome…